Elizabeth Yates
Elizabeth Yates has been loving, living, and teaching yoga for over 20 years. While living a high stress life in the corporate environment, she took her first yoga class 25 years ago! Through yoga she realized the pain in her body was caused by contraction that was the body’s response to a stress filled life. That first class changed her life and the yoga techniques learned so long ago have blossomed into a way of life that relieves suffering for herself and all those who work with her through one on one yoga therapy and group classes.
Elizabeth lovingly assists each and every student in finding their unique path to wholeness. Her core belief is that yoga is adapted to the individual for deep healing of mind, body, and spirit. Her teachings infuse laughter, compassion, love and deep respect for the individual and the wisdom teachings of yoga.
Elizabeth’s extensive education includes a Master’s Degree in Counseling and multiple yoga teacher certifications including Yoga for Osteoporosis and Structural Yoga Therapist Certification. Her highest and most beloved study and practice is a deep relationship with the Divine. She is an avid student and practitioner of Vedanta and Christianity.